GREETINGS TRUE BELIEVER! Every year when the moon is full and the last of the pumpkins have been harvested from the pumpkin cannon fields, elite members of the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (the C.L.A.W.) gather in a tiny comic book store to compete in a world-wide comic book drawing endurance marathon--24 Hour Comic Day--quite literally to the death. The older a cartoonist gets, the more laborious and mystical the experience. Don't believe me? Read for yourself the wonderment contained in these omnibuses of doom! With every page turn journey with the author down that shadowy road between madness and glory. By the twenty-fourth hour you don't want to be around to smell the result. Excelsior.
And Other Amazing Illustrated Works...

- Flying Steam Shovel, The Amazing
Signature style, form and delivery of our illustration(s); India ink, Prismacolor® marker & acrylic color washes on illustration board.
See Also: Wizard Man 3000 | Flying Alligator vs. Radar Man | A "Star Wars" Gunslinger
- Rocket Girl with Guitar & Other Paintings
A friendly ceremonial acknowledgment of allegiance--acrylic painting on canvas.
- Mini Statues: Legends of a Flying Lawnmower
The handcrafted Sculpey® statue and the illustration that started a legend.
See Also: Flying Lawmower View 2 | Fish Walker Fish Walker 2 | Statue with Owner
- Time Bandits Tattoo
Tattoo design for fan of Terry Gilliam's cult classic film "Time Bandits." Ink and gouache paint on illustration board.
- Quick Plot-less Cartoons
Remains of a Photoshop experiment which helped in the realization that comics don't need a "Hollywood Mainstream" script to be crap.
See Also: Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4
Sketchbook Virtual Page Flipping Viewer
Selected Drawings:
Captain Cosmos Defrosts | Hat Dreams | Mars Story Idea | Leslie Space Babe | Astronaut Clamp | Steam Shovel | Steam Shovel 2 | Piñata Maker | Nude Study | Kafka's Rabbit | Mecha Mania | Red Robot | Dream House/Factory | Booty Shorts | Huge Slam | Mexican Demon | Italians | Classic Storm Trooper | Children's Book Characters | Turtle Obelisk | Mystery Uniform DogStar™ Ship Designs | Old-School Battlestar Sketch | Rocketeer & Pants | Potbelly Stove | Intergalactic Harvester | The Flaming Carrot The Great Escape | Self Image | Rocket Belt Plans | Cartoon Pirates

Mr. Manning's Art Class: The High-School Years
- Urban Fish Wars (Car Chase)
Edsel vs. Nomad | Giant Box Turtle | Fighting Robots | Art Thieves
- Family UFO Abductions
Grey Aliens | Starship Interior | Cantina Scene | Gerbils vs. Astronaut
- 1957 Chevrolet & Other Vintage Cars
Toaster Crossing | Gryphon Traveler | Desert Prospector | Captain Cosmos
- Volkswagon Fantasy
Samurai Lungfish | Park Bench Fellowship | Hall of Fame | Minotaur's Labyrinth
- Carpetbaggers From Outer Space!
Eternity Bus | Mystery Pirate Ship | Alaska Fishing Boat | Evil Fortress
- Meeting Harvey the Rabbit
Mad Organist | Killer Mantis | Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Snake Oil Wizard
Artist Statement
Mr. Anderson is not trying to save the world. He's doing what he can to stay connected to how the world really is. Ultimately his work is about friendship, need, and other timeless values.
Work Experience
- Children's Books
- Newspaper Illustrations
- Cook Book Illustrations
- Science Fiction Comics
- Science Fiction Illustration
- Religious-Themed Comics
- Political Cartoons
- Filmmaking Concept Art
- Storyboarding
- Wall Murals
- Paper Mache Sculptures
- T-Shirt Designs
- Music Promotion Posters
- Album Art
- Tattoo Design
- Website Graphics
- Sidewalk Chalking
Cartoon Experimental Animations & Short Films to Provide Moral Uplift
visit: Holistic Forge Works Animation Studios

Chalk It Up Art of Frost Park Chalk Off!
RR Anderson's Greatest Hits: public sidewalk chalk art created in 1 hour or less.

To learn more about the exciting sidewalk chalking opportunities in your downtown urban core check out the competitive Officer Larry Frost Memorial Park Sidewalk Chalk Challenge! 1 Hour of public art madness, fun for the whole family in the bleeding heart of Downtown Tacoma's Theater District.