OMNI Store Creative Sales Department PLUS
Posters! Books! Zines! Sunflower Kits! Bumper Stickers! Magnets! T-Shirts! Lapel Pins! COMING SOON!
One Tacomic T-Town T-Shirt to RULE THEM ALL - $20

City of Destiny Unification T-Shirt As Seen on TEE VEE Tacoma!
One Tacoma T-shirt design to rule them all! You got the skunk, the ridiculous 253 telephone area code, the defend tacoma AK47, the 'greater than 206' meme... YOU'LL LIKE TACOMA EVERYTHING! Plus this shirt GLOWS IN THE DARK!
List Price: $20.00
Size: You can have ANY SIZE as long as it is Large
Availability: supplies are limited!

Available at Amocat Cafe!
Fine Tacomic Original Surplus Pencil Art
No Refunds!
Genuine pencil art used in the production of THE TACOMIC™. Looking for the Tacomic Book Volume 001?
Official LEARN2DRAW™ Fan Club Kit - $13.37

JOIN RANK with the elite Flying Penciler Cadet Squadron™
, you get:
early access and perks at official HFW events! First looks and sneak peeks at new HFW projects! Membership includes an exclusive bonus membership kit* (pictured above). Plus more virtual extras!
List Price: $13.37
Availability: In Stock!
COMMANDER RR'S Membership Kit Includes:
- Secret Cadet Member ID Badge
- Personally hand typed
Secret Message
from Tacoma's only cartoonist RR Anderson - Information on where to send even more money
- GREAT FISH Idol, Autographed Cardboard Cutout
- Media Mail Envelope
- Compact disc of every Tacomic available at the time of membership
Father Bix's™ Anti-Nuke Sunflower Gro Kit - 25¢
It takes a special kind of man to break into a nuclear submarine base to plant sunflowers. That special man is Father Bill "BIX" Bichsel, a Jesuit Priest who will stop at nothing to help Americans realize what a horrible waste global thermonuclear war, and thermonuclear weapons are. With BIX™ Anti-Nuke brand tremendously huge sunflower breeds, your garden is guaranteed to make a statement about the folly of nuclear destruction. Peace be with you!

Sunflower Forest Growing Instructions

Physical Description | Common Flower Name |
Small Black/Purple Seed | Bird Feeder Sunflower |
White and Gray Striped Seed | Mammoth Sunflower |
Elongated Dark Striped Seed | Mongolian Giant Sunflower |
Alligator Snapping Turtle®
This heavy-industry class beauty is genetically enhanced to a hefty 15 tons. Whether you're ship-breaking in a 3rd world country or planning that perfect get away for you and the family, this model is ideal for all your incredibly large turtle needs.
WARNING: Notice to All CustomersList Price: $47,000.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Mexican Painted Turtle®
Go south of the border with class atop this sporty 3 ton aquatic cruiser; they practically drive themselves (Do not operate this turtle in Mexico)!
WARNING: Notice to All CustomersList Price: $9,000.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Eastern Painted Box Turtle®
Our flagship turtle, this popular partially aquatic 6 ton model is ideal for most home or small business applications. Life span of 40-100 years!
WARNING: Notice to All CustomersList Price: $20,000.00
Availability: Out of Stock
INSTA-FARM® World's Only Farm in a Can!™
A Fast & Potent bacterium laced foam, INSTA-FARM® Digests pretty much everything into a protein rich, amino acid soup--the building blocks of omnipotent godlike creation!
WARNING: Notice to All CustomersList Price:
$19.95Free With Purchase!
Availability: Pending (banned by 23 International Treaties)
Civilization Calls: REAL Testimonials
I am not gay, nor am I bisexual, but when I went to holistic forge works .com I felt a little queer.
~ Daniel Blue, Urban Poet/Fashion Designer
Your work has certainly stirred emotion and cannot be considered boring. Few art reviews have enough passion for the reviewer to use the all caps key throughout the entire review. Yet, yours apparently did.
~ Erik Bjornson, The Tacoma Urbanist™
Your show was great and the turnout was great and I'm so glad lots and lots of people could see your work! Also, very nice family you have; I hope they enjoyed themselves tonight. Thanks for all the effort, Ryan... I have never been at a gathering where the term 'steam donkey' came up so often in conversation.
~ Anonymous, Art show Proprietor
Mr. Anderson is a designer, illustrator, and cartoonist by profession. His comments tend to be out in left field, but it makes this place interesting. Generally speaking, however, these comments are ignored by many of us (sorry Mr. Anderson). Note to self: Don't piss off a cartoonist. The results can be unpredictable.
~ Derek, Exit133
Bravo for the nice work Mr. Anderson as I think you've successfully made a powerful point without any name-calling or slander. P.S. - For June (and as has been the trend) the Tacomic is the 4th most popular single stop over at FeedTacoma. Well done, my friend.
~ Kevin Freitas,
Congratulations [whatever] your own personal bathroom joke. You have not demonstrated any kind of civic responsibility or maturity, and both the History Museum and the City of Tacoma should ignore your screeching.
~ Anonymous
Seems your career objectives don't carry over into your personal life. You say you respect, challenge and inspire individuals? [blah blah blah] Narrow-mindedness and exclusivity will not help Tacoma reach its full potential. It's sad to see such a talented guy take such cheap shots. Who else do you alienate by disagreeing with your perceptions of their live-styles?
~ Condominium Owner, Tacoma WA
I, for one, am publicly banning anything and everything by Mr. Richard Anderson and his company. I sincerely hope you do the same.
~ Another Idiot
You truly are devoid of comedy and talent. In the illustration department you are far from even reaching mediocrity. I will admit that you are okay in the iron works field. Foremost, get over yourself, for you will never reach any heights in the fields of painting, illustration or truly, even 3-D animation/modeling. I feel sorry to have to tell you this, but I stumbled upon your site to find nothing even close to meriting it's use of valuable web space. So please just shoot yourself now. For the r [sic]
~ Anonymous
General Disclaimer
Note: HFW cannot possibly be aware of and interpret all of the city, county and state restrictions for the humongous assortment of freaking AWESOME products that we offer. With this in mind we do not warrant that you may legally purchase, resell, own, or use all of the products offered by us.